Wednesday 27 November 2013

Koh Tao

So we had decided on our best way to get to Koh Tao, overnight sleeper!  This one was   definitely better then my previous in Malaysia.  Cleaner and larger, and the again we got food, which this time was pretty good!  So we settled in for the night ready for our 4am wake up call   :-/

From here it was an easy trip across on the sea to the island... except for the waves that where building which led it to be a bit of a stomach churner...  Luckily we both managed to keep  our  food down... mainly I think as we  hadn't  really had any breakfast.    

We didnt have anywhere booked so we quickly found some bungalows, checked in and headed for some much needed breakfast.

That evening wanting to relax after all our travels (especially Ems, had been pretty non stop since flying from the UK!!).  We found a cool  little  beach bar, with a live acoustic singer, and great cocktails.  Cheap cocktails, a waiter who seemed to sense when we needed a drink and a serious lack of sleep, led us both to get quite drunk, quite quick! After the singer finished, the DJ's kicked in and we where presented with a fire show, and after already seeing 2 of these, this was by far the best one.  After the fire show finished it well and truely turned into a dance club, so we took this as our time to leave a staggered of into the night :-)

One of our highlights at Koh Tao has to be the scooter hire.  We both decided to hire out scooters, as they are a great way to see the island.  As Ems had never been on one beofre we headed out of town, along a quite road so she could get use to the feel.

Both feeling a bit more confident we headed back and decided to head a bit more inland, as we continued along the road got more and more rough eventually just turning into a dirt track, and it was getting steeper and steeper...  onward we kept going thinks surely it will level out soon... but it carried on going and eventually we came to a sign warning us to only carry on if we where on dirt bikes or buggies seemed a good place to do a U turn.  I turned mine around and I could see Ems was struggling, the wheels had got caught in a pot hole.

"Wait there I'll give you hand..." I said.  Ems being as stubborn as she is carried on...I could see her trying to push it with her weight, and give it some gas to help her along, I could see she was going to be off balance if it suddenly went..

"Wait, Wait ill give you hand..."  Ems had pushed and put the throttle, the bike zipped along dragging her with it.  I could see her  desperately  trying to put the brakes on, but she still had the throttle on.  The bike dragged her along, across the track and up a small  embankment, before they both came to a heavy thud back on the track....

Oh crap... Luckly Ems was not hurt (except maybe her pride... but I can say on my first attempt I very nearly did the same thing, only thing that saved me was seeing my friend do the exact same thing before me.  Crashing into 3 cars before coming to a stop, so not to bad...) the bike seemed okayish, only a couple of minor scratches, hopefully we would get away with it...

Ems said she was good to carry on, so of we set to try and find a little  deserted  beach.  We ended up overshooting the beach and never did find it... however the beach we did find, was stunning, crystal clear water,  gorgeous  sand, and lovely little restaurant overlooking.  With the nicest waiter we had seen since getting here, I think he had taken a shine to Ems :-) (I will just put in how nice it was to have a waiter with a smile, everywhere we had been on Koh Tao we had seemed to be an inconvenience to the staff, and we were lucky to be given a smile, really odd compared to everywhere else I had been...)

When we returned the scooter the next day, we sadly did have to pay a rather extortionate amount for the minor damage done.  I tried to argue the case, however they did have it all set out in black and white.  Ems chucked the money on their desk and turned and strode out.

It was soon time to move on to Chiange Mai....

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