Sunday 24 November 2013


The capital of the Siam Empire!  I arrived late morning on a bus, after going through the usual tourist farce of being dropped just outside the main town near some very convenient Tuktuks, which I always refused to use out of principle, so walked the 20 mins to my hostel.

As I still had time I hired a fantastic yellow push bike, with a basket on the front (these are so helpful, all your stuff can go in, instead of having a rucksack).

My Trust Steed!!

The main draw for the city is the ancient ruins that are scattered around.  With  incredible architecture, as you climbed around the ruins, and down ancient stairways, you did feel a bit Indian Jones esk.

As I was cycling round I happened on a local market, where I tasted the best thai fishcakes I have ever had, WOW

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