Wednesday 27 November 2013

Emily joins me :-)

So I made my way back from the national park, the first couple I wave down for a lift, are headed back to the town so I manage to get a lift with them the whole way (pictured in the last post). From here I catch the train to Bangkok.   Instead of buffet car, or lady with a trolley here instead they have about a dozen people who spend the entire trip shouting out offering there wares, from fruit teas, vegetables, thai curries, to strange and exotic fruit.  Funny at the start but tiring after 5 hours of constant shouting :-/   After a couple more underground trains, i get of at the stop I thought I had been told to get off... oops I got off a stop early there are no taxis, only scooter taxis, so with nothing else I jump on the back with my large rucksack and off we go, hurling along dual carriage ways, and busy city roads, after 30 mins I turn up at the hotel, where I am greeted by the concierge, where I am told I am the first guest ever to turn up on the back of a scooter ;-) lol

IIn Bangkok (BK) tomorrow evening Emily arrives :-)
I spend the day sight seeing the shopping area of BK, insane, after mall, with thousand little shops all seeming to sell the same thing, I wonder how they can make any money!

****Gay Alert Below**** ;-)

As the hour approaches for Ems flight I head to the airport.  I see that her flight has landed so I head to the arrival point, and as each set of people round the corner, I'm like a dog who has lost his owner, looking up expectantly for her to round the corner... 20 mins pass, no sign, 40 mins, still no sign, 70 mins...  I am in mid sentence to another man waiting for his girlfriend, when I see her round the corner... we both run to each other, Ems with her giant bag, she drops it I lift her up and give her big kiss and spin around (just like the movies).

We spend the next couple of days sight seeing around BK, and planning the next stage of our trip... Koh Tao

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