Sunday 24 November 2013


So  finally I was in BK, a huge teeming city, with market after market, tuk tuk drivers shouting you down every few mins if you want a lift, food stall holder offering all manner of food, from pad thai to deep fried scorpion.

before arriving I had been warned about tuk tuk drivers trying to scam me, so I thought I would be OK, however they very nealry caught me out!

I was doing my usual wandering around a new place to get my bearings when I came to an government tourist box, where I got a map.  As I headed out I was studying the map as walking, after a few mins I was about to fold the map away, when I was approached by a bloke who was walking alongside me.  "

"where would you like to go?"

So followed a  brief  conversation where he told me which of the best temples, when to go, and how to get there.  He even told me today was national buddha day (should have rung alarm bells, but this guy was good) so fuel was cheap so could get good deals on Tuktuks, especially government  authorised  yellow ones.  Then he carried on talking about other temples, and the first bell was when he said I should also go to the Thai Factory as they had amazing sale on as it was  Buddha day, and then he says he will get me a Tuktuk, waves the first one he see down, which happen to be yellow...  he then quickly speaks to the driver dropping a few  English words for my benefit and then says bye and walks off.  By this time I was sure it was a scam so i made my hasty retreat.

The rest of my time was made up of sight seeing and dinning on street food, which as always was pretty incredible.  After a few days I had made new plans on where to head, the old capital of Siam (Now Thailand) Ayuthaya and then the national park of Khao Yai

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