Friday 10 January 2014

Phnom Pehn

So I don’t want you thinking that all there is in Phnom Pehn is the Khymer Rouge as there is so much more!  Like any busy bustling Asian city, there are the giant outdoor markets selling everything from clothes, electricals to building materials, shopping malls, and pushy tuktuk drivers.  They make the drivers from Thailand seem reticent and shy ;-)
However the part we must enjoyed was looking around the small boutique shops, filled full of fair trade wares.  A lot of them supporting small town community projects teaching the locals skills so they can find employment.  Also there was amazing restaurants and cafes, great for chilling in and drinking in each of their unique styles.  Our favourite one was a restaurant that helps train up young unemployed youths to cook fine cuisine.  We had a 3 course meal… and it was incredible best food we had tasted on our trip so far!!

We only had the 2 days in Phonm Pehn and both of us where really sad to leave, it was amazing country but more than that the people where the friendliest and most helpful we have ever met.  We both said that this would be a country that we would definitely be coming back to!  

We jumped on a coach for the trip to the border again, 7 hours of ear screeching local music videos, numerous stops everywhere, been accosted through the window by tuktuk drivers even though we weren’t getting of the bus!  Border crossing went very smoothly and another 5 hours we were back in Bangkok.  

Which had since we left become the centre ground for a mass anti-government protest, that escalated into riots with tear gas been fired, injuries… and all this just down the road from our hostel :/  We set about completing our visa process for Myanmar, had a night out in Kao San Road managing to avoid any protest groups, me and Ems getting into an argument about the contents of a cocktail with a very aggressive waitress (obviously we were right J ) and then we were on our flight to Yangon.

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