Tuesday 7 January 2014

Siem Reap to Sihanoukville (the beach)

As we were building ourselves up for another 12 hour night bus, we said our goodbyes to the Samso’s and caught a tuk tuk to the bus station. When we heard the pounding base coming around the corner, we were shocked to see this was in fact our night bus! We walked onto the bus and to our delight the sleep was not chairs just managing a little incline but in fact double pod beds!! With a TV, pillows, blanket and water this was more like it!
Forgetting about the base we had heard before we continued to fall asleep (Steen a little uncomfortable as his legs were just a bit too long for the bus!) until about 3am when that base decided to pound once again through the bus! This song continued on repeat until we arrived at 7am… Thanks Mr Bus driver!! 


When we first arrived at our accommodation ‘Strawberry Bungalows’ on Otris 2 beach, it was very quiet with hardly anyone around! Very different to what we had been used to the last few weeks, however we soon got used to the relaxed and lovely people who worked here.

The beach was gorgeous even though there was not much ‘free’ sand to lay a towel on, it had many resorts & bars along the beach with free sunbeds to relax on; Plus the view was picture perfect!

Each morning we woke with a crossfit workout on the beach then went back to Strawberry for the best free breakfast you could ever imagine! The menu was full of delicious choices from American full English, pancakes and fruit… All for free!!

This carried on for the next four days along with sunbathing and trying to ‘relax’ in the 46 degree heat! Steen chased the shade whilst I sweated and stuck it out gaining for a tan! As the sun lost its intensity (approximately 6pm!) we sat with cup of tea watching the sunset! The end of our days would be with Mai Tai cocktails being delivered to our beach hut balcony!! Wonderful!

As we left Strawberry, we were very sad to leave this peaceful and perfect place! However, the next location was expected to be just as beautiful... Koh Rong!


  1. One of those pictures looks like its entering the hot dog legs series of pictures.

  2. Hahahahaha! Just showed this to ems, loved it! Think it's a contender!!
